Assemblage (1980s)
"Murray's work is inextricably culture bound, [it] seeks to explore the crossfertilization of European and African cultural traditions. His approach can be considered "Blackstream," the refusal to deny the reality and existence of negritude within AfroAmerican society and within twentieth-century Western art. It is a non-passive ideological position established not to create or enunciate differences, but to examine the larger experience of history and culture in conflict with one another. Murray goes beyond the collision of ancestral traditions to the prima materia of experience that underlies all art and life." — Excerpt from Allan Pringle, “Recent Work” (curator’s statement)
Prophets (80" x 95")
Colloquiate (51" x 30")
Colloquiate (detail)
St. Sebastian 2 (81" x 55")
St. Sebastian 2 (detail)
St. Sebastian 2 (detail)
Selected Works
Nexus Series1999–2001
Vancouver Drawings1996–1999
Ecto Endo Series1983
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